I came across the use of the bat (animal) as a symbol for the in between states of consciousness. They exists to us, in that they can be seen, only at night, so the association with times of sleep and dreams comes naturally. I was struck by the notion that in some universe where language and semiotics shifted in different ways than we’re familiar with, it is a different bat that holds that meaning and creates those associations.
‘A Proposition Made’ is my exploration of how that meaning could have met the bat (baseball) in present day and how it could be recognized like other symbolic forms within art. A particular way the bat (baseball) exists in the private space, as protector of the threshold, is what is depicted in the painting. The bat (baseball) guards the space between in and out, giving control to the former over the latter. It is necessary in its position because the out is unknown, but must be faced, like the year to come.